Couch Potato Shredder: Full Body Beginner Martial Arts WOD

We put this martial arts workout of the day together for one reason – to start shredding our couch potato bodies back into shape after months of inactivity.

The Couch Potato Shredder is a simple workout that can be done anywhere – the only required equipment is a pair of dumbbells, and you can get away without using those if necessary.

Disclaimer: This article was published for entertainment and educational purposes. It should not be used as personal or professional or medical advice. Please consult your doctor before deciding to engage in any new exercise activities or nutritional regimen. Take care!

How to use this workout of the day (WOD)

This WOD is designed for people who want to learn martial arts at home but currently have a fairly low level of physical fitness. If you’re trying to get into shape either after a layoff or for the first time, this should be a suitable set of exercises.

If this looks intimidating or exhausts you quickly, feel free to alternate easier exercises and/or do fewer repetitions. For example if 10 pushups is too hard right now, you could do 10 knee pushups or 10 wall pushups instead. Or, you could do 6 push ups. 

Rest time and exercise cadence

Rest time should not exceed 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between sets. We found that an ideal rest time between exercises is 10-15 seconds. This is basically just the time it takes to move slowly from one position to the next.

Make sure you breathe deeply and evenly as you perform these exercises. If you cannot control your breathing, you may need to stop and rest.

Couch Potato Shredder  – The Workout

Here are the exercises broken down as simply as possible.


  • 60s punching/shadowboxing
  • 10 arm rotations 
  • 10 trunk rotations each side (front half)
  • 10 hip rotations each way

Note: If you aren’t physically warm and loose by the time you’ve completed this section, consider repeating it or adding additional warmup exercises.

Main Workout

  • 10 bodyweight squats
  • 10 pushups
  • 30 second prone plank
  • 10 dumbbell squats
  • 15 dumbbell curls
  • 10 dumbbell thrusters 
  • 10 dumbbell overhead extensions (each side)
  • 60 second punch out

You can do 2-3 sets of these exercises if you need a longer workout, however this WOD also works as a single-set workout for people with lower physical fitness or less time available.

Cool Down

For a cool down we recommend some light stretching and/or yoga if you enjoy yoga.

About This WOD

MyFitnessFight created this workout of the day with inspiration from a couple of friends, and we thank them for their support!