Don’t let life beat you down

Life is tough, and as you age many of your dreams may seem to slide away.

Don’t let great physical fitness be one of them.

My Fitness Fight is a website that provides information and inspiration to adults who are looking for a fun, engaging exercise regimen rooted in combat arts.

Whether you practiced karate for years and need to get back in shape, or you’ve never been in great shape but want to change that by learning boxing, MyFitnessFight hopes to provide you with all that you need.

Use the buttons and links below to navigate to whichever part of the website makes the most sense for you.

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myfitnessfight don't let life beat you down


Karate is a martial art with roots in Japan. Practitioners worldwide use it to stay in shape and improve their focus and determination.


Check out our martial arts workout of the day! This WOD is bound to leave you sweating and satisfied, so show it who’s boss!